Speech to The Prince of Wales School, Dorchester (28/01/20)
This is the written script presented at the opening of the school’s brand new inclusive playspace…

Thank you very much everybody and it is a real honour to have been asked to formally open this impressive facility to benefit the pupils of this school, now and in the future. Inclusion is not just a byword for tolerance or a token gesture, but rather it is inviting people (regardless of need or background) to feel welcome and to be rightly supported that meets an individual’s needs. Having a playspace which is not only designed with the collaboration with pupils of the school but is also uniquely constructed to embed participation for everyone, without exception. And better still, it is an idea that has become a reality. I have been hugely fortunate to be offered a platform which gives voices to young people that are typically isolated from everyday activities that many of us would happily take for granted.
Some years ago, we had a local project in this same town that brought together young people of mixed abilities to collaborate on a heritage focused initiative which enabled all volunteers to dedicate their talents to a task of their interest: whether that be IT and app development, woodwork or archive collection. In many cases, these young people had been left behind in mainstream education and poorly served in a system which wasn’t flexible enough to meet all manner of needs. It gives me much more hope that from the first years for learners in schools like this one that differences are accommodated and celebrated, which naturally starts with the school leadership.
So, it now only leaves me to say it’s a pleasure to have officially marked my first ever opening ceremony and this inclusive playspace offers many years of enjoyment to come for all pupils who come here.